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Ever wondered what your items are worth? 

Satisfy Your Curiosity – Our experienced specialists are appointed by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce and they will gladly, together with our internationally renowned external experts, provide you with well-grounded valuations.

Whether you wish to sell a single piece of art, a large collection, or the contents of a house, there are a number of ways to have your items valued:

Complimentary valuation online

Send us a picture of your item and we will gladly provide with you a preliminary estimate. Normally we will respond within seven banking days. Please notice that the valuation is provisional and subject to revision on personal examination by a specialist. Hammer prices may vary significantly from auction estimates.

Send your pictures to mail@uppsalaauktion.se Do not forget to provide us with your contact information if we would like to get in contact with you for further questions regarding the objects.

Home visits – we visit you!

On a daily basis we visit potential consigners in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and Uppsala. Every season we visit most Swedish cities. All home visits that are made with potential consignment are free of charge. We also make trips regularly all over Europe to collect items for our Important Sales. Contact one of our specialists

Visit us!

You are most welcome to visit one of our offices. We accept consignments for upcoming auctions at all times. You do not have to make appointments before visiting us. Opening hours and offices

We enforce Sweden’s Auctioneers Assocation’s (Sveriges Auktionsföretagsförening) ethical rules. We handle all client information strictly confidential.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concern or question, or if there is anything else we may further assist you with.

We will gladly help you!