Nikolay Semenovich Samokish (Russia 1860‑1944). The return of the Russian chevalier guards after the attack on the enemy in Austerlitz 1805. Signed in Cyrillic Samokish and dated 1885. Oil on relined canvas, 97 x 151 cm.
Compare with another version of the motif in the collection of the Scientific-Research Museum of the Academy of Arts of Russia, St. Petersburg.
In the collection of Mining engineer Axel Ax:son Johnson (1910-1988), Stockholm.
Thence by descent in the family.
Charlotte Cederström & Emily Norton (ed.), Konversationsstycken / Conversation Pieces, 2011, depicted in the interior on a full page spread and on p. 29.
Klas Schönning, Villagatan 6 - ett Stockholmskvarter med anor, 2012, p. 98.
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